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Wir kön­nen Top gezo­gene “Futu­ri­ty Prospects” in allen Alter­sklassen anbieten.

Schauen sie sich ein­fach mal wieder um in den entsprechen­den Kat­e­gorien- Wean­lings- Year­lings- 2 Year Olds- 3 Year Olds- and last but not least: Showhorses

Bild: 3 Year Old Stal­lion “Han­ni­bal“sired by $Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Colonels Shin­ing Gun

This extrem­ly tal­ent­ed Futu­ri­ty Prospect is on tar­get for upcom­ing Futu­ri­ties in 2023.

Click 3 Year Olds for full Pedi­gree of Hannibal

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