Top Futurity Prospect- Top bottom Line
a) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
b) FNP NRHA of Germany nominated
c) IRHA Futurity paid In
d) NRHA Belgium paid In
e) NRHA European Futurity nominated
2021 AQHA Mare, sired by NRHA European Champion Non Pro & Int Non Pro- Res World Champion Non Pro- WEG Silver Medalist Team- 2017 FEI European Champion Team & FEI European Champion Individual- 2016 FEI World Champion Team- 2014 IRHA Derby Open Champion- NRHA European Derby Open Champion- NRHA Belgium Futurity Open Bit Champion- NRHA Germany Breeders Futurity Open Bit Res Champion- NRHA Belgium Futurity SBH Open Res Champion Smart N Sparkin (by Hall of Famer- and $14 Million Dollar Sire Smart Chic OLena) x Producing Mare by NRHA Triple Crown Champion Producer- APHA Worldchampion Jr Reining- and NRHA $3 Million Dollar Sire Spooks Gotta Gun (by Hall of Famer- and $10 Million Dollar Sire Grays Starlight).
2021 AQHA Mare
color: bay
Top Non Pro Futurity Prospect-
Great bottom line
One of the last foals of the Great Wimpys Little Step, located in Europe!
a) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
b) FNP NRHA of Germany nominiert
c) IRHA Futurity (Italian Breeders) paid In
d) NRHA European Futurity nominated
e) NRHA Belgium Futurity paid In
2021 AQHA Stallion, sired by Hall of Famer- multiple Open Futurity Champion- TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION PRODUCER- and $13 Million Dollar Sire Wimpys Little Step (by Hall of Famer- and $3 Million Dollar Sire Nu Chex To Cash) x own daughter by Hall of Famer- Open Worldchampion- 60 World- or Res Worldchampionships Producer- and $10,5 Million Dollar Sire Shining Spark (by AQHA Res Worldchampion Sr Cutting- and An All-Time Leading Cutting Sire & An All-Time Leading Reining Sire Genuine Doc).
2021 AQHA Stallion
color: buckskin
Top Non Pro Futurity Prospect-
a) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
b) FNP NRHA of Germany nominiert
c) IRHA Futurity paid In
d) NRHA European Futurity nominated
e) NRHA Belgium Futurity paid In
2021 AQHA Stallion, sired by Hall of Famer- Open Worldchampion- and $11 Million Dollar Sire Magnum Chic Dream (by Hall of Famer- and $14 Million Dollar Sire Smart Chic OLena) x own daughter by Hall of Famer- Open Worldchampion- 60 World- or Res Worldchampionships Producer- and $10,5 Million Dollar Sire Shining Spark (by AQHA Res Worldchampion Sr Cutting- and An All-Time Leading Cutting Sire & An All-Time Leading Reining Sire Genuine Doc).
2021 AQHA Stallion
color: sorrel
Click Stallion Promotion for more Info about Start A Revolution
Top Futurity Prospect Open- and Non Pro
a) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
b) FNP NRHA of Germany nominiert
c) IRHA Futurity (Italian Breeders) paid In
d) NRHA European Futurity nominated
e) NRHA Belgium Futurity paid In
2021 AQHA Mare, sired by ARHA Open Futurity Champion- NRHA European Pre-Futurity Open Champion- NRHA European Futurity Open Champion L3- AQHA Jr Reining Open Res Champion- CRI3* Young Riders Res Champion- NRHA Int Non Pro Champion & Ltd Non Pro Champion at Breeders Futurity Kreuth- ARHA Lady Open Champion of the Year- IRHA Derby Open Finalist- NRHA Germany Breeders Futurity SBH Open & BIT Open Finalist Start A Revolution (by NRBC Open Derby Champion- Congress Jr Reining Res Champion- NRHA Int Open Derby Res Champion- NRBC Open Derby Res Champion- NRHA Open Futurity Finalist- and NRHA $2,3 Million Dollar Sire Einsteins Revolution) x own daughter by RMRHA Open Futurity Champion- multiple Finalist of all Top Reining Events- Open Futurity Champion Producer- and NRHA $3 Million Dollar Sire Pale Face Dunnit (by NRHA Open Futurity Res Champion- NRHA Hall of Famer- and NRHA $14 Million Dollar Sire Colonels Smoking Gun).
2021 AQHA Mare
color: buckskin
THE LOVESTORY (offer has ended)
Top Futurity Prospect Open- and Non Pro
a) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
b) FNP NRHA Germany paid In
c) NRHA European Futurity nominated
d) IRHA Breeders Program paid In
e) NRHA Belgium paid In
Please note: Tinseltownsmokingun, better known as “Tommy”, has been successfully shown in Disziplin Reining Open all Levels — and Non Pro all Levels for over 10 years in a row !!
2021 AQHA Mare The Lovestory, sired by NRHA Futurity Champion- NRHA European Champion- Austrian Maturity Champion Open– Americana Int Open Champion & Americana Non Pro Champion- multiple CRI & Bronze Trophy Champion Tinseltownsmokingun > Sire of: IRHA Non Pro Futurity Champion- IRHA Non Pro Futurity Res Champion- NRHA of Germany Non Pro Futurity Champion- multiple ARHA Open Futurity Champion- ARHA Non Pro Futurity Champion- European Futurity Champion Non Pro (by Hall of Famer- and $14 Million Dollar Sire Colonels Smoking Gun) x Top Producing Mare Lte:$3,500, PE: $25,000, sired by Carolina Classic Derby Ltd Open Champion- NRHA Derby Open Res Champion- NRHA Limited Open Champion- and $3 Million Dollar Sire Lil Ruf Peppy (by Hall of Famer- and $25 Million Dollar Sire Peppy San Badger).
2021 AQHA Mare The Lovestory steht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.
Top Non Pro Futurity Prospect
Please note:
Dun It For Whizkey is the highest earning stallion by Topsail Whiz.
Dun It For Whizkey’s Dam, Hall of Fame Broodmare Dun It For Chex (by AQHA & NRHA Hall of Famer Hollywood Dun It) has Producing Record of over $1 Million Dollar!
Top Futurity Prospect -
a) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
b) FNP NRHA of Germany nominiert
c) IRHA Futurity (Italian Breeders) paid In
d) NRHA European Futurity nominated
e) NRHA Belgium Futurity paid In
2021 AQHA Gelding Atallglassofwhizkey, sired by Open Futurity Co-Res Champion- Congress Open Reining Futurity Champion- Tulsa Reining Classic Open Champion- multiple NRHA- or NRBC Open Derby Finalist Dun It For Whizkey (by NRHA & AQHA Hall of Famer- and $12 Million Dollar Sire Topsail Whiz) x own daughter by NCHA Futurity Non Pro Champion- Bonanza Cutting Non Pro Champion- PCCHA Cutting Stakes & PCCHA Derby Non Pro Champion- NCHA Summer Spectacular Open Co-Champion- and IRHA TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION PRODUCER Snapper Cal Bar (by Res Worldchampion Cal Bar).
2021 AQHA Gelding Atallglassofwhizkey steht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.
BERRY MARGARITA (offer has ended)
Top Futurity Prospect-
a) IRHA Futurity (Italian Breeders) paid In
b) NRHA European Futurity nominated
2021 AQHA Mare Berry Margarita, sired by 2017 NRHA ARHA Futurity 4yo Open Champion- 2017 NRHA European Open Futurity Finalist- 2018 NRHA IRHA Open Derby Res Champion- 2018 NRHA European Open Derby Finalist- 2019 NRHA European Non Pro Derby Champion- 2021 NRHA European Non Pro Derby Champion- and IRHA NRHA Open Futurity Res Champion Producer Wimpy Margarita (by Hall of Famer- multiple Open Futurity Champion- TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION PRODUCER- and $13 Million Dollar Sire Wimpys Little Step) x own daughter by Blue Badge (by Docs Little Badge, NCHA Lte.$41,234).
please note:
Wimpy Margarita’s 1Dam > Custom Margarita, sired by Hall of Famer- and $4 Million Dollar Sire Custom Crome, is Full Sister to Custom Legend (Lte.$228,000)
2021 AQHA Mare Berry Margarita steht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.
REMINIC GUNSHY (sold in 2024)
Please note: 2021, 2022, 2023: “#1 SIRE OF REINING Horses!”
Fasten your seat belt & watch the Pedigree!
Top Futurity Prospect Open- and Non Pro
Great bottom line
a) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
b) NRHA European Futurity nominated
c) IRHA Breeders Program paid In
2021 AQHA Stallion Reminic Gunshy, sired by NRHA Open Futurity Champion- Congress Open Futurity Champion- NRHA Open Derby Champion & multiple Futurity- multiple Derby Champion Producer- NRHA Hall of Famer- and $12,4 Million Dollar Sire Gunnatrashya (by Hall of Famer- NRHA’S ALL TIME LEADING SIRE- and $14 Million Dollar Sire Colonels Smoking Gun) x own daughter by 15-Time World/Res Worldchampion Producer- multiple NRHA Open Futurity Champion Producer- NRHA Non Pro Fututity Champion Producer- and $ 3,5 Million Dollar Sire Reminic.
Reminic Gunshy steht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.
by WHAT A WAVE (offer has ended)
Top Futurity Prospect-
a) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
b) IRHA Breeders Program paid In
c) NRHA Belgium paid In
2021 AQHA Mare, sired by 3‑time NRHA Open Worldchampion- NRBC Open Derby Res Champion– WEG Individual Gold Medalist- Americana Open Res Champion What A Wave (by NRBC Open Champion & NRBC Open Res Champion- FEI World Reining Masters Gold Medalist & WEG Gold Medalist Tidal Wave Jack) x own daughter (Showrecord) by multiple Open Derby Champion- Open Futurity Champion Producer- and $4 Million Dollar Sire Walla Walla Whiz (by AQHA Hall of Famer- NRHA Hall of Famer- and NRHA’S first $12 Million Dollar Sire Topsail Whiz).
2021 AQHA Mare by What A Wave steht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.
VINTAGE CROME MH (sold in 2023)
This is Nevio — Top Futurity Prospect Open & Non Pro all Levels
Great bottom line — ASK FOR VIDEO!
a) NRHA European Futurity nominated
b) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
c) FNP NRHA of Germany nominiert
d) IRHA Futurity (Italian Breeders) paid In
d) NRHA Belgium paid In
2020 AQHA Gelding Vintage Crome MH, sired by 2 TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION PRODUCER- and $3 Million Dollar Sire A Sparkling Vintage (by Hall of Famer- Worldchampion- and $10,5 Million Dollar Sire Shining Spark) x Futurity Champion Producing Mare by NRHA Open Futurity Champion- Hall of Famer- and NRHA $4 Million Dollar Sire Custom Crome (by Congress Open Futurity Champion- and Hall of Fame Sire Crome Plated Jac).
Vintage Crome MH steht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.
OT SHINING WISH (offer has ended)
This is Hannibal -Top Futurity Prospect Open all Levels
a) NRHA European Futurity nominated
b) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
c) IRHA Futurity (Italian Breeders) paid In
d) NRHA Belgium paid In
2020 AQHA Stallion OT Shining Wish, sired by European Open Derby Champion- NRHA Roleski Derby Open Champion- FEI World Equestrian Games Team & Individual Silver Meadalist- and $1 Million Dollar Sire Colonels Shining Gun (by Hall of Famer- and $13 Million Dollar Sire Colonels Smoking Gun) x OT Taris Wish Miss > multiple Non Pro Futurity Champion, PE: $40,000, she is sired by NRHA Ardmore Open Futurity Champion- NRHA Open Futurity 4th Place- and multiple Open- and Non Pro Futurity & Derby Champions Producer Taris Valentine (by the Legendary Taris Catalyst).
OT Shining Wish steht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.
SS STEPS IN SPACE (offer has ended)
First Class Futurity Prospect — Great bottom line
a) SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
b) IRHA Futurity (Italian Breeders) paid In
c) NRHA Belgium paid In
d) AQHA Incentive Fund
e) NRHA Sire & Dam
2019 AQHA Stallion SS Steps In Space, sired by Hall of Famer- multiple Open Futurity Champion- Hall of Fame Sire- TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION PRODUCER- and $12 Million Dollar Sire Wimpys Little Step (by Hall of Famer- and $3 Million Dollar Sire Nu Chex To Cash) x Shining Moonstone (Lte.$30.348+), she has an Producing Record of over $145,018 Dollar- sired by Hall of Famer- Worldchampion- and $10,2 Million Dollar Sire Shining Spark.
SS Steps In Space steht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.
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