In dieser Kat­e­gorie befind­en sich 3‑Jährige Futu­ri­ty Prospects


In dieser Kat­e­gorie befind­en sich 3‑Jährige Futu­ri­ty Prospects


Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect for 2025 — Great Blood­lines


a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) FNP NRHA of Ger­many nominated

c) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

d) IRHBA Futu­ri­ty paid In

e) NRHA Bel­gium paid In

2022 AQHA Stal­lion, sired by NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open Res Cham­pi­on- Cac­tus Rein­ing Clas­sic Open Der­by Cham­pi­on- AQHA Open Res World­cham­pi­on Jr Rein­ing- NRHA Der­by Ancil­lary Open Cham­pi­on- and NRHA’S youngest $4 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Infer­no Six­ty Six (by NRHA Hall of Famer- 2009 NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- 2009 Con­gress Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- 2010 NRHA Open Der­by Cham­pi­on- and $16 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Gun­na­trashya) x own daugh­ter by NRHA Hall of Famer- AQHA Hall of Famer- and NRHA’S first $12 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Top­sail Whiz (by Hall of Famer- Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- AQHA World­cham­pi­on- and $1 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Top­sail Cody).



2022 AQHA Stallion

col­or: palomino


Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect for 2025!


a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) FNP NRHA of Ger­many nominated

c) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

d) IRHBA Futu­ri­ty paid In

e) NRHA Bel­gium paid In

2022 AQHA Mare, sired by 2013 NRHA Der­by Open Final­ist- 2012 NRHA Der­by Open Co-Reserve Cham­pi­on- AQHA World Show Jr Rein­ing Open Final­ist- 2010 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open L4 Final­ist- Ari­at Tul­sa Rein­ing Clas­sic Open Cham­pi­on- SWRHA Open Cham­pi­on- and NRHA $4,1 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Shin­ers Voodoo Dr (by Hall of Famer- World­cham­pi­on- 60 World- or Res World­cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er- and $10,2 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Shin­ing Spark) x own daugh­ter by NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open Res Cham­pi­on- Cac­tus Rein­ing Clas­sic Open Der­by Cham­pi­on- AQHA Open Res World­cham­pi­on Jr Rein­ing- NRHA Der­by Ancil­lary Open Cham­pi­on- and NRHA’S youngest $4 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Infer­no Six­ty Six (by NRHA Hall of Famer- 2009 NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- 2009 Con­gress Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- 2010 NRHA Open Der­by Cham­pi­on- and $16 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Gunnatrashya).



2022 AQHA Mare

col­or: palomino


Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect-


a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) FNP NRHA of Ger­many nominated

c) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty paid In

d) IRHA Futu­ri­ty paid In

2022 AQHA Mare, sired by ARHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on L3,2,1, IRHA Der­by Open Cham­pi­on L1- ARHA Matu­ri­ty Open Res Cham­pi­on L3- mul­ti­ple NRHA Lim­it­ed Open- Inter­me­di­ate Open- and Open Cham­pi­on- ARHA Cir­cuit Ltd Open Cham­pi­on- ARHA Cir­cuit Novice Horse Open Cham­pi­on- mul­ti­ple Open Bronze Tro­phy Res Cham­pi­on & Open Tro­phy Cham­pi­on Tarys­mart (by ANCR Futu­ri­ty Non Pro Cham­pi­on- IRHA Matu­ri­ty Open Res Cham­pi­on- APCR Matu­ri­ty Open Cham­pi­on- 2005 FEI Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships Team Italy Gold Medal­ist & Indi­vid­ual Sil­ver Medal­ist- 2007 FEI Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships Rein­ing Cham­pi­on- Team Italy Sil­ver Medal­ist & Indi­vid­ual Gold Medal­ist OT Taris San Pep­py (by NRHA Ard­more Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- NRHA USA Open Futu­ri­ty 4th place- and mul­ti­ple Open & Non Pro Futu­ri­ty & mul­ti­ple Open- and Non Pro Der­by Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er Taris Valen­tine) x own daugh­ter (Showrecord) by the First Inter­na­tion­al FN Ger­man Open Cham­pi­on Rein­ing- mul­ti­ple Open & Int Open Bronze Tro­phy Cham­pi­on- Supe­ri­or Rein­ing Horse Open & Ama­teur > One Smart Pepole­na- Sire of mul­ti­ple Rein­ing Cham­pi­ons- Trail & West­ern Plea­sure Cham­pi­ons- Hal­ter Cham­pi­ons- at the Aus­tri­an­QHA Shows (by Hall of Famer- and $14 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Smart Chic Olena).

Please note:

2Dam Miss Tuff Enter­prise (by Lil Ruf Pep­py) has Life­time-Earn­ings of $16.000+ and Pro­duc­ing Record of over $14.000+



2022 AQHA Mare

col­or: sorrel

NOTHINGELZEMATTERS (offer has ended 2024)

Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect- 

2024 NRHA of Ger­many Breed­ers Futu­ri­ty Open 3th Place, L3 (Score 219,5)

Ask for Video

a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) FNP NRHA of Ger­many nominated

c) IRHA Futu­ri­ty paid In

d) NRHA Bel­gium paid In

e) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

2021 AQHA Geld­ing Nothin­gelze­mat­ters, sired by ARHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on L3,2,1, IRHA Der­by Open Cham­pi­on L1- ARHA Matu­ri­ty Open Res Cham­pi­on L3- mul­ti­ple NRHA Lim­it­ed Open- Inter­me­di­ate Open- and Open Cham­pi­on- ARHA Cir­cuit Ltd Open Cham­pi­on- ARHA Cir­cuit Novice Horse Open Cham­pi­on- mul­ti­ple Open Bronze Tro­phy Res Cham­pi­on & Open Tro­phy Cham­pi­on Tarys­mart (by ANCR Futu­ri­ty Non Pro Cham­pi­on- IRHA Matu­ri­ty Open Res Cham­pi­on- APCR Matu­ri­ty Open Cham­pi­on- 2005 FEI Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships Team Italy Gold Medal­ist & Indi­vid­ual Sil­ver Medal­ist- 2007 FEI Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships Rein­ing Cham­pi­on- Team Italy Sil­ver Medal­ist & Indi­vid­ual Gold Medal­ist OT Taris San Pep­py (by NRHA Ard­more Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- NRHA USA Open Futu­ri­ty 4th place- and mul­ti­ple Open & Non Pro Futu­ri­ty & mul­ti­ple Open- and Non Pro Der­by Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er Taris Valen­tine) x Pro­duc­ing Mare, PE: over $6,000+, sired by Supe­ri­or Rein­ing Horse Sun­rise Enter­prise (by Hall of Famer- mul­ti­ple World­cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er–  and $1,4 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Be Aech Enterprise).



2021 AQHA Geld­ing Nothin­gelze­mat­ters ste­ht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

EVERY CHICS DREAM MH (offer has ended 2024)

Top Non Pro Futu­ri­ty Prospect-

a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) FNP NRHA of Ger­many nominiert

c) IRHA Futu­ri­ty paid In

d) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

e) NRHA Bel­gium Futu­ri­ty paid In

2021 AQHA Stal­lion Every Chics Dream MH, sired by Hall of Famer- Open World­cham­pi­on- and $11 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Mag­num Chic Dream (by Hall of Famer- and $14 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Smart Chic OLe­na) x own daugh­ter by Hall of Famer- Open World­cham­pi­on- 60 World- or Res World­cham­pi­onships Pro­duc­er- and $10,5 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Shin­ing Spark (by AQHA Res World­cham­pi­on Sr Cut­ting- and An All-Time Lead­ing Cut­ting Sire & An All-Time Lead­ing Rein­ing Sire Gen­uine Doc).




2021 AQHA Stal­lion Every Chics Dream ste­ht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

THE LOVESTORY (offer has ended 2024)

Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect Open- and Non Pro 

a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) FNP NRHA Ger­many paid In

c) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

d) IRHA Breed­ers Pro­gram paid In

e) NRHA Bel­gium paid In

Please note: Tin­sel­townsmokingun, bet­ter known as “Tom­my”, has been suc­cess­ful­ly shown in Diszi­plin Rein­ing Open all Lev­els — and Non Pro all Lev­els for over 10 years in a row !!

2021 AQHA Mare The Lovesto­ry, sired by NRHA Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- NRHA Euro­pean Cham­pi­on- Aus­tri­an Matu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on Open– Amer­i­cana Int Open Cham­pi­on & Amer­i­cana Non Pro Cham­pi­on- mul­ti­ple CRI & Bronze Tro­phy Cham­pi­on Tin­sel­townsmokingun > Sire of: IRHA Non Pro Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- IRHA Non Pro Futu­ri­ty Res Cham­pi­on- NRHA of Ger­many Non Pro Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- mul­ti­ple ARHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- ARHA Non Pro Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on Non Pro (by Hall of Famer- and $14 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Colonels Smok­ing Gun) x Top Pro­duc­ing Mare Lte:$3,500, PE: $25,000, sired by Car­oli­na Clas­sic Der­by Ltd Open Cham­pi­on- NRHA Der­by Open Res Cham­pi­on- NRHA Lim­it­ed Open Cham­pi­on- and $3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Lil Ruf Pep­py (by Hall of Famer- and $25 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Pep­py San Badger).



2021 AQHA Mare The Lovesto­ry ste­ht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

ATALLGLASSOFWHIZKEY (offer has ended 2024)

Top Non Pro Futu­ri­ty Prospect

Please note:

Dun It For Whizkey is the high­est earn­ing stal­lion by Top­sail Whiz. 

Dun It For Whizkey’s Dam, Hall of Fame Brood­mare Dun It For Chex (by AQHA & NRHA Hall of Famer Hol­ly­wood Dun It) has Pro­duc­ing Record of over $1 Mil­lion Dollar!

Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect -

a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) FNP NRHA of Ger­many nominiert

c) IRHA Futu­ri­ty (Ital­ian Breed­ers) paid In

d) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

e) NRHA Bel­gium Futu­ri­ty paid In

2021 AQHA Geld­ing Atall­glas­sofwhizkey, sired by Open Futu­ri­ty Co-Res Cham­pi­on- Con­gress Open Rein­ing Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- Tul­sa Rein­ing Clas­sic Open Cham­pi­on- mul­ti­ple NRHA- or NRBC Open Der­by Final­ist Dun It For Whizkey (by NRHA & AQHA Hall of Famer- and $12 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Top­sail Whiz) x own daugh­ter by NCHA Futu­ri­ty Non Pro Cham­pi­on- Bonan­za Cut­ting Non Pro Cham­pi­on- PCCHA Cut­ting Stakes & PCCHA Der­by Non Pro Cham­pi­on- NCHA Sum­mer Spec­tac­u­lar Open Co-Cham­pi­on- and IRHA TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION PRODUCER Snap­per Cal Bar (by Res World­cham­pi­on Cal Bar).



2021 AQHA Geld­ing Atall­glas­sofwhizkey ste­ht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

BERRY MARGARITA (offer has ended 2024)

Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect-

a) IRHA Futu­ri­ty (Ital­ian Breed­ers) paid In

b) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

2021 AQHA Mare Berry Mar­gari­ta, sired by 2017 NRHA ARHA Futu­ri­ty 4yo Open Cham­pi­on- 2017 NRHA Euro­pean Open Futu­ri­ty Final­ist- 2018 NRHA IRHA Open Der­by Res Cham­pi­on- 2018 NRHA Euro­pean Open Der­by Final­ist- 2019 NRHA Euro­pean Non Pro Der­by Cham­pi­on- 2021 NRHA Euro­pean Non Pro Der­by Cham­pi­on- and IRHA NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Res Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er Wimpy Mar­gari­ta (by Hall of Famer- mul­ti­ple Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION PRODUCER- and $13 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Wimpys Lit­tle Step) x own daugh­ter by Blue Badge (by Docs Lit­tle Badge, NCHA Lte.$41,234).

please note:

Wimpy Margarita’s 1Dam > Cus­tom Mar­gari­ta, sired by Hall of Famer- and $4 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Cus­tom Crome, is Full Sis­ter to Cus­tom Leg­end (Lte.$228,000)



2021 AQHA Mare Berry Mar­gari­ta ste­ht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

REMINIC GUNSHY (sold 2024)

Please note: 2021, 2022, 2023: “#1 SIRE OF REINING Horses!”

Fas­ten your seat belt & watch the Pedigree!

Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect Open- and Non Pro 

Great bot­tom line

a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

c) IRHA Breed­ers Pro­gram paid In

2021 AQHA Stal­lion Rem­i­nic Gun­shy, sired by NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- Con­gress Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- NRHA Open Der­by Cham­pi­on & mul­ti­ple Futu­ri­ty- mul­ti­ple Der­by Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er- NRHA Hall of Famer- and $12,4 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Gun­na­trashya (by Hall of Famer- NRHA’S ALL TIME LEADING SIRE- and $14 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Colonels Smok­ing Gun) x own daugh­ter by 15-Time World/Res World­cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er- mul­ti­ple NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er-  NRHA Non Pro Futu­ti­ty Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er- and $ 3,5 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Reminic.



Rem­i­nic Gun­shy ste­ht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

by WHAT A WAVE (offer has ended 2024)

Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect-


a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) IRHA Breed­ers Pro­gram paid In

c) NRHA Bel­gium paid In

2021 AQHA Mare, sired by 3‑time NRHA Open World­cham­pi­on- NRBC Open Der­by Res Cham­pi­on–  WEG Indi­vid­ual Gold Medal­ist- Amer­i­cana Open Res Cham­pi­on What A Wave (by NRBC Open Cham­pi­on & NRBC Open Res Cham­pi­on- FEI World Rein­ing Mas­ters Gold Medal­ist & WEG Gold Medal­ist Tidal Wave Jack)  x own daugh­ter (Showrecord) by mul­ti­ple Open Der­by Cham­pi­on- Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er- and $4 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Wal­la Wal­la Whiz (by AQHA Hall of Famer- NRHA Hall of Famer- and NRHA’S first $12 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Top­sail Whiz).



2021 AQHA Mare by What A Wave ste­ht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

VINTAGE CROME MH (sold in 2023)

This is Nevio — Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect Open & Non Pro all Levels

Great bot­tom line — ASK FOR VIDEO!

a) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

b) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

c) FNP NRHA of Ger­many nominiert

d) IRHA Futu­ri­ty (Ital­ian Breed­ers) paid In

d) NRHA Bel­gium paid In

2020 AQHA Geld­ing Vin­tage Crome MH, sired by 2 TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION PRODUCER- and $3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire A Sparkling Vin­tage (by Hall of Famer- World­cham­pi­on- and $10,5 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Shin­ing Spark) x Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­ing Mare by NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- Hall of Famer- and NRHA $4 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Cus­tom Crome (by Con­gress Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- and Hall of Fame Sire Crome Plat­ed Jac).

Watch out-
1Dam: Full­sis­ter to AQHA Open World­cham­pi­on Cus­tom Cash Advance (Lte.$228,608)
2Dam Cash In Roan (by Top­sail Cody): Pro­duc­ing Record of over $394,948!



Vin­tage Crome MH ste­ht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

OT SHINING WISH (offer has ended)

This is Han­ni­bal -Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect Open all Levels


a) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

b) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

c) IRHA Futu­ri­ty (Ital­ian Breed­ers) paid In

d) NRHA Bel­gium paid In

2020 AQHA Stal­lion OT Shin­ing Wish, sired by Euro­pean Open Der­by Cham­pi­on- NRHA Roles­ki Der­by Open Cham­pi­on- FEI World Eques­tri­an Games Team & Indi­vid­ual Sil­ver Meadal­ist- and $1 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Colonels Shin­ing Gun (by Hall of Famer- and $13 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Colonels Smok­ing Gun) x OT Taris Wish Miss >  mul­ti­ple Non Pro Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on, PE: $40,000, she is sired by NRHA Ard­more Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty 4th Place- and mul­ti­ple Open- and Non Pro Futu­ri­ty & Der­by Cham­pi­ons Pro­duc­er Taris Valen­tine (by the Leg­endary Taris Catalyst).



OT Shin­ing Wish ste­ht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

SS STEPS IN SPACE (offer has ended)

First Class Futu­ri­ty Prospect — Great bot­tom line


a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) IRHA Futu­ri­ty (Ital­ian Breed­ers) paid In

c) NRHA Bel­gium paid In

d) AQHA  Incen­tive Fund

e) NRHA Sire & Dam

2019 AQHA Stal­lion SS Steps In Space, sired by Hall of Famer- mul­ti­ple Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- Hall of Fame Sire- TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPION PRODUCER- and $12 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Wimpys Lit­tle Step (by Hall of Famer- and $3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Nu Chex To Cash) x Shin­ing Moon­stone (Lte.$30.348+), she has an Pro­duc­ing Record of over $145,018 Dol­lar- sired by Hall of Famer- World­cham­pi­on- and $10,2 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Shin­ing Spark.

please note: 2Dam My Lucky Moon­stone has Lte. of over $44,223 Dol­lar- and Pro­duc­ing Record of over $480, 064.
Please note:
Head­shot-pho­to cred­it to “Veroni­ka Photography”



SS Steps In Space ste­ht hier nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

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