Con­grat­u­la­tions to the new Owner:)

Please note: 2yo Futu­ri­ty Prospect Mag­ne­to Boom was pow­ered by SUPERHORSE

2022 AQHA Mare Mag­ne­to Boom, sired by 2016 NRHA Euro­pean Open Der­by Final­ist L4,3, Go-Round Leader- 2017 NRHA Euro­pean Open Der­by Cham­pi­on L3- NRHA Euro­pean Affil­i­ate Int Open Cham­pi­on- NRHA Aus­tri­an Futu­ri­ty $5.000 added Open Res Cham­pi­on- 2018 NRHA CRI Open Cham­pi­on- NRHA Euro­pean Der­by Open Cham­pi­on L3,2- NRHA Euro­pean Affil­i­ate Res Cham­pi­on Int Open (by Hall of Famer- and NRHA’S first $14 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Colonels Smok­ing Gun) x own daugh­ter by NRHA Hall of Famer– NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- AQHA Res World Cham­pi­on Jr Rein­ing- West Coast Spec­tac­u­lar 4/5‑Year-Old Open Cham­pi­on– Lazy E Clas­sic Rein­ing 4/5‑Year-Old Open Cham­pi­on- and $2,1Million Dol­lar Sire Boomer­nic (by 15-Time World/Res World­cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er- mul­ti­ple NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er-  NRHA Non Pro Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er- and $ 3,5 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Reminic).

Click 2 Year Olds for more Info

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