Congratulations to the new Owner!

Shin­ers Voodoo Dr x Har­rys Gun

Breed­er: Quar­ter Dream, Italy; please note: 4yo God­dess Calyp­so was trained and shown in 2023 by NICO SICURO and Team:)

Great bot­tom line

NRHA mon­ey-earn­er — Showrecord Open 

a) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty & North Amer­i­can nominated

b) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

c) IRHBA Futu­ri­ty paid In

d) NRHA Bel­gium paid In

2020 AQHA Mare God­dess Calyp­so, sired by 2013 NRHA Der­by Open Final­ist- 2012 NRHA Der­by Open Co-Reserve Cham­pi­on, L4- AQHA World Show Jr Rein­ing Open Final­ist- 2010 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open L4 Final­ist- Ari­at Tul­sa Rein­ing Clas­sic Open Cham­pi­on, L3,2- SWRHA Open Cham­pi­on L3- and  NRHA $4,1 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Shin­ers Voodoo Dr (by Hall of Famer- World­cham­pi­on- 60 World- or Res World­cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er- and $10,2 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Shin­ing Spark) x Top Pro­duc­ing Mare (PE: 29,258+) by Hall of Famer- and NRHA’S first $14 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Colonels Smok­ing Gun.

More Info click Showhorses 

Pho­to by Tom Hautmann

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