Looking for a Broodmare? Here she is

2018 AQHA Mare, sired by NRHA Euro­pean Der­by Res Cham­pi­on L4- NRHA Euro­pean Der­by Cham­pi­on L3- Equi­ta Lyon Open Res Cham­pi­on- AQHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty Open Class Cham­pi­on Hol­ly­wood Gun Dun­nit (by Hall of Famer- and NRHA’S first $13 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Colonels Smok­ing Gun) x own daugth­er (Showrecord Open) by NRHA Ard­more Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- NRHA USA Open Futu­ri­ty 4th place- and mul­ti­ple Open & Non Pro Futu­ri­ty & mul­ti­ple Open- and Non Pro Der­by Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er Taris Valen­tine (by World­cham­pi­on Taris Catalyst).

Click Brood­mares for more Info

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