One Shiney Treat x Topsail Whiz

Click Stal­lion Pro­mo­tion for more Info about One Shiney Treat

Top Futu­ri­ty Prospect - Top bot­tom line

b) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

c) DQHA Futu­ri­ty startberechtigt

d) Aus­tri­an­QHA paid In

2022 AQHA Mare, sired by Pro­duc­ing Stal­lion One Shiney Treat, Son of  Hall of Famer- World­cham­pi­on- 60 World- or Res World­cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er- and $10,2 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Shin­ing Spark (by Res World­cham­pi­on Sr Cut­ting Horse - and $2,2 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Gen­uine Doc) x Pro­duc­ing Mare by AQHA Hall of Famer- NRHA Hall of Famer- and NRHA’S first $12 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Top­sail Whiz (by Hall of Famer Top­sail Cody).

Click Year­lings for more Info

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