NRHA of Germany Breeders Futurity 2020!

Mit Score 217 belegten Gen­naro und SUPERHORSE The Good Dr, den 7.Platz im Go Round Open Futu­ri­ty 3yo, Lev­el 4, in einem mit über 75 Teil­nehmern sehr starken Starterfeld.

Wir freuen uns sehr mit Mil­lion Dol­lar Reit­er Gen­naro Len­di und Besitzerin Ramona Ham­mer über die Top Leis­tung im Vor­lauf. Das gesamte Super­horse Team drückt für das kom­mende Finale am Fre­itag, 7.10.22, ganz fest die Daumen.

Im Jahr 2020 durften wir  SUPERHORSE “Nemo”, so lautet sein Rufname

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, nach Deutsch­land ver­mit­teln. Aus­ge­bildet wurde Nemo von Gen­naro Len­di in Italien.

2019 AQHA Geld­ing The Good Dr, sired by NRHA Open Der­by Co-Res Cham­pi­on- and $1Million Dol­lar Sire Shin­ers Voodoo Dr (by Hall of Famer- 60 World- or Reserve World­cham­pi­onship Pro­duc­er- and $7.3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Pro­duc­er Shin­ing Spark) x own daugh­ter by the Leg­endary Hall of Famer- first Triple Crown Win­ner- 17 World­cham­pi­on- 11 Reserve World­cham­pi­onship Pro­duc­er- and $42,3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Smart Lit­tle Lena.

2019 AQHA stud colt, sired by NRHA Open Der­by Co-Res Cham­pi­on- and $1Million Dol­lar Sire Shin­ers Voodoo Dr (by Hall of Famer- 60 World- or Reserve World­cham­pi­onship Pro­duc­er- and $7.3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Pro­duc­er Shin­ing Spark) x own daugh­ter by the Leg­endary Hall of Famer- first Triple Crown Win­ner- 17 World­cham­pi­on- 11 Reserve World­cham­pi­onship Pro­duc­er- and $42,3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Smart Lit­tle Lena.
2019 AQHA stud colt, sired by NRHA Open Der­by Co-Res Cham­pi­on- and $1Million Dol­lar Sire Shin­ers Voodoo Dr (by Hall of Famer- 60 World- or Reserve World­cham­pi­onship Pro­duc­er- and $7.3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Pro­duc­er Shin­ing Spark) x own daugh­ter by the Leg­endary Hall of Famer- first Triple Crown Win­ner- 17 World­cham­pi­on- 11 Reserve World­cham­pi­onship Pro­duc­er- and $42,3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Smart Lit­tle Lena.
2019 AQHA stud colt, sired by NRHA Open Der­by Co-Res Cham­pi­on- and $1Million Dol­lar Sire Shin­ers Voodoo Dr (by Hall of Famer- 60 World- or Reserve World­cham­pi­onship Pro­duc­er- and $7.3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Pro­duc­er Shin­ing Spark) x own daugh­ter by the Leg­endary Hall of Famer- first Triple Crown Win­ner- 17 World­cham­pi­on- 11 Reserve World­cham­pi­onship Pro­duc­er- and $42,3 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Smart Lit­tle Lena.
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