Tricked Out Spook x Whizkey N Diamonds
2012 AQHA Stallion| color: buckskin
We will update this Superhorse with new Pictures as soon as possible
FNP NRHA of Germany nominated
SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
IRHA Breeders Program paid In
NRHA Belgium paid In
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Watch out this beautiful Futurity Prospect!
- Eyecatcher
- Top Conformation
- Super Pedigree
- SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
- FNP NRHA of Germany paid In
- NRHA Euro Futurity nominated
- IRHA Futurity (Italian Breeders) paid In
- NRHA Belgium paid In
- AQHA 5 Panel Test n/n
- Located Germany
Superschöner 2‑Jähriger Hengst mit ausgezeichneten Referenzen!
- Eyecatcher
- Top Conformation
- Super Pedigree
- SSP NRHA of Germany paid In
- FNP NRHA of Germany paid In
- NRHA Euro Futurity nominated
- IRHA Futurity (Italian Breeders) paid In
- NRHA Belgium paid In
- AQHA 5 Panel Test n/n
- Located Germany
First Class Pedigree — Top Futurity Prospect
2023 AQHA Stallion, sired by Reining by The Bay Derby Open Champion L3- Derby Open Res Champion L4- Tulsa Reining Classic Open Finalist- NRBC Open Finalist Tricked Out Spook (by NRHA Triple Crown Champion Producer- APHA Worldchampion Jr Reining- and NRHA $3 Million Dollar Sire Spooks Gotta Gun) x own daughter by AQHA Open Worldchampion Sr Reining- NRHA Shootout Res Champion- NRHA Open Derby Co/Res Champion- NRBC Open Derby Finalist- Wimpys Little Step Open Derby Champion- Gordyville Breeders Cup Open Derby Champion- High Roller Open Reining Futurity Champion- Congress Open Futurity Res Champion- Ohio Valley RHA Open Reining Futurity Res Champion- and $3 Million Dollar Sire Whizkey N Diamonds (by NRHA Hall of Famer- AQHA Hall of Famer– and NRHA’S first $12 Million Dollar Sire Topsail Whiz).
SUPERHORSE bietet Ihnen stets die wichtigsten Informationen an die es über diese Blutlinien zu berichten gibt, dennoch übernehmen wir keine Garantie über die Vollständigkeit unserer Angaben.
Tricked Out Spook (by Spooks Gotta Gun)
2013 Tulsa Reining Classic Open Futurity, split 8th
2013 Southwest RHA Open Futurity, Finalist
2013 Tulsa Reining Classic Open Futurity L3, 3rd
2014 NRBC Open Derby, Finalist
2014 High Roller Reining Classic Open Stakes, Top 10
2014 Circle T Stampede Reining Open Derby Co-Res Champion
2015 APHA World All-Age Solid Paint-Bred Reining Open Champion
2015 High Roller Limited Open Reining Classic Derby, 5th
2015 The Challenge Int. Open Reining Derby Co-Champion
2016 APHA World Senior Reining Res Champion
2016 NRHA Futurity Team Challenge Open Class Co-Champion
2016 Reining By The Bay Open Derby Res Champion
2016 Reining By the Bay Int Open & Ltd Open Derby Champion
2017 NRBC Open Derby Class, split 3rd
2017 NRBC Reining 7 Up Challenge Open, 3rd
2017 AQHA Superior Reining
101.5 AQHA points
43 APHA points in Reining, Ranch Riding, Ranch Pleasure & Ranch Reining
$3Million Dollar Sire
- 2009 AQHA World Show 3rd, Sr Reining
- 2008 Reining By The Bay $25,000 Open Derby Champion
- 2008 Las Vegas Reining Classic Derby Res Champion
- 2008 NRHA Derby 3rd
- 2008 Rancho Murietta Spectacular Derby Res Champion
- 2008 Bill Horn Shoot Out Tied 5th & 6th
- 2008 MEC Derby 4, 5, 6yo Open Res Champion
- 2007 APHA World Champion JR Reining Horse (Score 228.5)
- 2006 All American Reining Classic 3rd 4, 5, 6yo Open and Int Open Finalist
- 2006 Texas Cowboy Capital Classic Reining Novice Open Champion
- 2005 NRHA Open Futurity Split 9th, Go #1
- 2005 APHA World Show 3‑Year-Old Open Reining Challenge, 4th
- 2005 Southwest Open Reining Futurity — Top 10, Co-Res Champion in the First Go
- 2005 Rocky Mountain Reining Summer Slide Futurity 3yo Open Finalist
APHA Open Register of Merit (Reining)
- NRCHA Hall of Fame
- NCHA Bronze Award
- NRCHA #9 All-Time Leading Sire
- NCHA #11 All-Time Leading Cutting Sire
- AQHA Leading Sire
Producing Record:
$10 Million Dollar Sire
NRHA Million Dollar Sire
Full brother to-
- a) $4 Million Dollar Sire Gallo Del Cielo (NRHA Rooster)
- b) Paddys Irish Whiskey: NCHA Money Earner and Multiple Major Aged Event Finalist, Foals have earned $1,646,454 and 5,302 AQHA points, 36 AQHA World/Res. World Championships including 2‑time AQHA World Champion Versatility Ranch Horse Smart Whiskey Doc. As a broodmare sire, foals have produced earners of more than $2,600,000
1Dam: Proven Broodmare, sired by Whizkey N Diamonds
About 1Dam (by Whizkey N Diamonds):
Never shown due to injury
About Whizkey N Diamonds (by Topsail Whiz):
2012 AQHA Open Worldchampion Sr Reining
2011 NRHA Shootout Res Champion
2011 NRHA Open Derby Co/Res Champion
2011 NRBC Open Derby Finalist
2011 Wimpys Little Step Open Derby Champion
2011 Gordyville Breeders Cup Open Derby Champion
2009 High Roller Open Reining Futurity Champion
2009 Congress Open Futurity Res Champion
2009 Ohio Valley RHA Open Reining Futurity Res Champion
- $3 Million Dollar Sire!
Show- and Producing Record for 2Dam Brennas Hollywood (by Brennas Kid):
- 2003 Futurity Champion 3yo RHANW Moses Lake, Washington
- 2003 Res Champion 3yo & 4yo RHANW Moses Lake, Washington
Dam of:
- Coffee Whiz Milk TB: AQHA Res Champion, NRHA Open Futurity Finalist
- Hollywoods Hope TB: NRHA Futurity Res Champion Open L2,3, NRHA Intermediate Open Champion, multiple Open Champion
- Ruf Peppy Whiz Star: AQHA Open Champion, 2x Derby Finalist Open, Champion European Championship Open
About Brennas Kid:
NRHA Open Futurity Champion- Congress Open Reining Champion- 1991 Winner of Open Team Championship as a member of the IRC Nations Cup- multiple AQHA & NRHA Champion Producer Brennas Kid (by NRHA Money-Earner- and multiple Open Futurity Champion Producer Kid Five Cody).
Please note:
Brennas Kid is a grandson of NRHA & AQHA Hall of Famer- and Hall of Fame Sire, Joe Cody (*1952 — 1989) and out of a performing and producing daughter of NRHA & AQHA Hall of Famer- and Hall of Fame Sire, Be Aech Enterprise (*1975 — 2006).
NRHA Hall of Fame
AQHA Hall of Fame
NRHA’S first $12 Million Dollar Sire!
#1 Reining Sire of All Time
Sire of Four Million Dollar Sires
Sire of-
a) The Great Whiz (Lte.$256,000)
b) Easy Otie Whiz (Lte.$233,600)
c) Whizkey N Diamonds (Lte.$224,020)
d) Smoking Whiz (Lte.$197,000)
e) Walla Walla Whiz (Lte.$187,820)
and a lot more…
NRHA Hall of Fame
1980 NRHA Open Futurity Champion
1981 AQHA Worldchampion Jr Reining
Producing Record of over $1 Million Dollar
Read more about AQHA / APHA Stallion Tricked Out Spook (by Spooks Gotta Gun):
Tricked Out Spooks first foals to show include:
A SMALLTOWN TRICK ($66,617), 2020 NRHA Open Futurity L4, 7th Place; 2020 AZ RHA Best of West Open Futurity Champion, L4
SHINED OUT SPOOK (Lte.$12,487)
and a lot more…
Watch out:
Tricked Out Spook is a son of Triple Crown Champion Producer- and $3 Million Dollar Sire Spooks Gotta Gun. Due to a leg injury the legendary Spooks Gotta Gun passed away.
Please note:
Spooks Gotta Gun ist the 2011 #4 LEADING NRHA JR SIRE!
Spooks Gotta Gun’s first foal crop produced 16 registered horses. Three were in the 2010 NRHA Futurity and Spooks Gotta Whiz was the 2010 NRHA Futurity Open Champion!
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