Inferno Sixty Six x Topsail Whiz

2017 AQHA Geld­ing | col­or: chestnut


  • NRHA of Ger­many  Breed­ers Der­by: Pre-Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on Open L4
  • NRHA Breed­ers Futu­ri­ty Final­ist Open L2 

This beau­ti­ful and very strong Geld­ing fits Non Pro- Begin­ners- Rook­ie & Youth Rider! 

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Aus Grün­den der Diskre­tion machen wir keine Preisangaben in den Medi­en.
Bitte nehmen Sie per­sön­lich mit uns Kon­takt auf.


What else ?

  • Top Con­for­ma­tion
  • Eye­catch­er
  • Der­by Prospect for 2023
  • Ready to show
  • Locat­ed Germany

a) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

b) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

c) NRHA Bel­gium paid In

d) IRHA Futu­ri­ty paid In

Don’t hes­i­tate and ask for VIDEO!

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6‑Jähriger Wallach der keine Wünsche offen lässt!

  • TOP Showhorse
  • Der­by Prospect
  • Excel­lentes Pedigree
  • Eye­catch­er
  • In diverse Futu­ri­ty Pro­gramme einbezahlt
  • Kann sofort im Sport einge­set­zt werden 
  • Video auf Anfrage

Great Bloodlines — TOP Showhorse — Derby Prospect

2017 AQHA Geld­ing, sired by NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Res Cham­pi­on- mul­ti­ple Open Der­by Cham­pi­on- and cur­rent $1 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Infer­no Six­ty Six (by NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- Con­gress Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- NRHA Open Der­by Cham­pi­on & mul­ti­ple Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- mul­ti­ple Der­by Cham­pi­on Pro­duc­er- and $9.8 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Gun­na­trashya) x own daugh­ter by NRHA  Hall of Famer–  AQHA Hall of Famer- and NRHA’s first $12 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Top­sail Whiz (by Hall of Famer- Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- AQHA World­cham­pi­on- and $1 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Top­sail Cody).

  • Face­book


SUPERHORSE bietet Ihnen stets die wichtig­sten Infor­ma­tio­nen an die es über diese Blut­lin­ien zu bericht­en gibt, den­noch übernehmen wir keine Garantie über die Voll­ständigkeit unser­er Angaben.


AQHA / APHA Inferno Sixty Six (by Gunnatrashya)


2021 NRHA Top Ten Lead­ing Sire

2019 NRHA Open Der­by Champion

2018 Tul­sa Rein­ing Clas­sic Open Der­by 3rd

2018 NRHA Open Der­by Finalist

2017 AQHA World Show Res Cham­pi­on Jr Reining

2017 NRBC Open Der­by Finalist

2017 Cac­tus Rein­ing Open Der­by Champion

2016 NRBC Open Der­by Finlist

2016 High Roller Rein­ing Open Der­by Top 5

2015 NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Res Champion

2015 Tul­sa Rein­ing Open Futu­ri­ty Top 10

Pro­duc­ing Record: $1 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire

For now $9.8 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire!


2009 NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Champion

2009 Con­gress Open Futu­ri­ty Champion

2010 NRHA Open Der­by Cham­pi­on
Sire of-

  • Gun­na  Stop
    NRHA Lim­it­ed Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on, NRHA Open Der­by Cham­pi­on L3
  • Ten Thir­ty
    NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on L4
  • Super Mar­i­oo
    NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on NRHA Futu­ri­ty L2 & 3 Cham­pi­on, Tul­sa Rein­ing Clas­sic L2,3 Open Futu­ri­ty Champion
  • ARC Gunnabeabigstar
    NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Co-Cham­pi­on, NRHA Der­by Reserve Champion
  • Infer­no Six­ty Six
    (Lte.$210,000), above
  • Gun­na Rick­ashay
    NRHA Der­by Open Cham­pi­on L3, Open Co-Reserve Cham­pi­on L4 Rein­ing Open
  • Snap­drag­ons
    NRCHA Open Futu­ri­ty Co-Reserve Cham­pi­on, Mag­ic Val­ley RCHA Open Futu­ri­ty Co-Reserve Champion
  • ARC Gun­na Mark Ya
    NRHA Open Der­by Reserve Cham­pi­on, semi-final­ist, NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty, NRBC Lim­it­ed Open Der­by Champion
  • Gunnabebig­time
    NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Reserve Champion
  • Loveya
    NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty final­ist, NRHA Lim­it­ed Open Futu­ri­ty Reserve Champion
  • Trashinyur­dreams
    split 4th, 2021 NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty L4, 2021 NRHA Futu­ri­ty L2,3 Open Futu­ri­ties Champion
  • ARC Gun­na Sparkya
    NRBC Open Der­by Reserve Cham­pi­on, 4th, NRHA Open Futurity
  • Dia­mond Stud­ded Guns (Lte.$116,042)
  • Gun­na­trashthe­p­lace (Lte.$101.795)
  • Gun­nastepya (Lte.$94.863)
  • Smok­ing Trash (Lte.$93,000
  • ARC Trashin Yer Chic (Lte.$80,838)
  • Gun­nafoolya (Lte.$79,758)
  • Trib­biani (Lte.$73,537)
  • Gun­na Shock Ya (Lte.$65,000)
  • Sara­trashya (Lte.$63,991)

Pro­duc­ing Record: $9,8 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire

  • (Lte.$177,670)
  • NRHA Hall of Fame
  • NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Res Champion
  • USET Rein­ing Finals Champion
  • APHA World Cham­pi­on Jr Reining
  • NRBC Open Der­by Champion
  • APHA World Cham­pi­onship Reinig Futu­ri­ty Champion
  • NRHA Der­by USET Semi-Finals Cham­pi­on 2 Time
  • NRHA Open Der­by Finalist
  • NRHA Sil­ver Award
  • APHA 58 Points
  • APHA Supe­ri­or Reining
  • 2011 Equi-Stat, #1 Top Rein­ing Sire
  • Pro­duc­ing Record
  • NRHA’S first $13Million Dol­lar Sire!

Sire of-

  • Tin­ker With Guns (Lte.$336,900+)
  • Gun­ners Tin­sel­town (Lte.$303.000)
  • Gun­na­trashya (Lte.$236,457)
  • Gun­ners Spe­cial Nite ($223,195)
  • The Great Gun­ti­ni ($144,218)
  • Amer­i­c­as­next­gun­mod­el ($183,259)
    and a lot more…


1Dam: Proven Broodmare , Top Producing Record, sired by Topsail Whiz (by Topsail Cody)

Watch out:

1Dam has Pro­duc­ing Record of over $30,000!

2Dam is sired by Mas­ter Boot Jac (by Hol­ly­wood Jac 86)

About Mas­ter Boot Jac: NRHA Mon­ey-Earn­er, Sire of- mul­ti­ple World- and Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­ons, includ­ing Bronze and Pewter Tro­phy Win­ners, NRHA Futu­ri­ty Final­ist & NRHA Der­by Finalists

NRHA Hall of Fame & AQHA Hall of Fame
NRHA’s first $12Million Dol­lar Sire
#1 Rein­ing Sire of All Time
Sire of Four Mil­lion Dol­lar Sires
Sire of-
The Great Whiz:
2003 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open Cham­pi­on
2004 NRBC Open Res. Cham­pi­on
2004 NRHA Der­by Open final­ist
2005 NRHA Der­by Open final­ist
2006 NRBC Open final­ist
Easy Otie Whiz:
2002 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open final­ist
2003 NRBC Open final­ist
2003 NRHA Der­by Open final­ist
2004 NRHA Der­by Non Pro final­ist
2004 NRHA Int Non Pro Cham­pi­on
2005 NRBC Open final­ist
2005 Inter­me­di­ate Open Cham­pi­on
2006 FEI World Eques­tri­an Games Team USA Gold Medal­ist
Whizkey N Dia­monds:
2009 High Roller Rein­ing Clas­sic Futu­ri­ty Open Cham­pi­on
2009 All Amer­i­can Quar­ter Horse Con­gress Futu­ri­ty Open Res Cham­pi­on
2009 NRHA Futu­ri­ty L4 Open final­ist
2011 NRBC Open final­ist
2011 NRHA Der­by Open Res Cham­pi­on
2011 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Show $100,000-added World Cham­pi­on Shootout Res Cham­pi­on
2012 AQHA World Cham­pi­on Sr Rein­ing
Smok­ing Whiz:
2010 High Roller Rein­ing Clas­sic Futu­ri­ty L4, L3, L2 Open Cham­pi­on
2010 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open final­ist
2012 NRBC Open final­ist
NRHA Der­by Open final­ist
2013 NRBC L4 final­ist
2013 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Show $75,000-added World Cham­pi­on Shootout Res Co-Cham­pi­on
Wal­la Wal­la Whiz:
and a lot more…..

NRHA Hall of Fame

1980 NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Champion

1981 AQHA World­cham­pi­on Jr Reining

Pro­duc­ing Record of over $1 Mil­lion Dollar

  • Face­book

Some more Info about Infer­no Six­ty Six (by Gunnatrashya):

Infer­no has been turn­ing heads ever since he first walked in the show pen. He is a blue blood through and through, sired by NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on Gun­na­trashya. His dam, Snip O Gun, is an NRHA All-Time Lead­ing Pro­duc­er, with off­spring earn­ings of over $1,000,000+.

Infer­no besides being an ath­lete with excep­tion­al phys­i­cal skills has also an extreme­ly smooth and bal­anced tem­pera­ment that he trans­mits to his off­springs. He trans­mits these traits regard­less of whether the foals are colts or fil­lies and most impor­tant­ly, he seems to match per­fect­ly with any type of broodmare.

He won over $210,000+ in his career under the sad­dle of the Mil­lion Dol­lar Rid­er Fran­co Bertolani and he was NRHA Futu­ri­ty Res Cham­pi­on in 2015 after a run-off that went down in history!



Super­horse aktu­al­isiert und ergänzt regelmäßig die Infor­ma­tio­nen der Besitzer zu den ange­bote­nen Pfer­den. Diese wur­den sorgfältig recher­chiert und gewis­senhaft zusam­menge­fasst. Trotz­dem kön­nen sich die Dat­en zwis­chen­zeitlich verän­dert haben. Deshalb kann eine Haf­tung oder Garantie für die Aktu­al­ität, Richtigkeit und Voll­ständigkeit der zur Ver­fü­gung gestell­ten Infor­ma­tio­nen — ins­beson­dere fremder Infor­ma­tio­nen — nicht über­nom­men wer­den. Poten­tielle Käufer soll­ten die Richtigkeit der hier präsen­tierten Infor­ma­tio­nen über­prüfen, ins­beson­dere wenn sie als Grund­lage für Geschäfte dienen. Siehe auch AGB Fir­ma Super­horse / Impressum.

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