In Like Flinn x Stylish Guns

2019 AQHA Mare / col­or: sorrel


Top Non Pro Der­by Prospect

Cur­rent Life­time-Earn­ings of $9,000+ and counting!

  • SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In / FNP NRHA Ger­many paid In
  • NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated
  • IRHBA (Ital­ian Breed­ers Futu­ri­ty) paid In
  • NRHA Bel­gium Futu­ri­ty paid In

Don’t hes­i­tate and ask for VIDEO


Aus Grün­den der Diskre­tion machen wir keine Preisangaben in den Medi­en.
Bitte nehmen Sie per­sön­lich mit uns Kon­takt auf.

Don’t miss this 5yo Reining Horse!

  • Cur­rent Life­time-Earn­ings of $9,000+
  • Top Non Pro Rein­er, ready to show!
  • Don’t hes­i­tate and ask for Video
  • Face­book
  • Face­book
  • Face­book
  • Face­book
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5‑Jährige Stute aus Leistungszucht!

  • Cur­rent Life­time-Earn­ings of $9,000+
  • Super Pedi­gree
  • Non Pro Rein­er, auch Anfänger geeignet
  • Video auf Anfrage
  • Stan­dort Österreich

Orig­i­nalpho­tos at the Show by Bona­ga Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Tom Haut­mann Pho­to & Design, Art & Light Pho­tog­ra­phy Cor­rie Fuhr

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Non Pro Der­by Prospect — Great Bloodlines

2019 AQHA Mare, sired by 2015 AQHA World­cham­pi­on Jr Rein­ing- 2016 AQHA World­cham­pi­on Sr Rein­ing- Her­itage Open Rein­ing Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- NRBC Open Der­by Pre­lims Co-Cham­pi­on- and mul­ti­ple NRHA & NRBC Open Der­by Final­ist In Like Flinn (by Hall of Famer- and NRHA’S first $12 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Top­sail Whiz) x Columbine Clas­sic L4 Open Der­by Cham­pi­on Styl­ish Guns, sired by Hall of Famer- NRHA’S ALL TIME LEADING SIRE- and $15 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Colonels Smok­ing Gun.

Watch out:

1Dam Styl­ish Guns has Lte. of over $3,700!

2Dam BH Top Gun (by Hall of Famer Be Aech Enter­prise) has Pro­duc­ing-Record of almost $100,000!

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SUPERHORSE bietet Ihnen stets die wichtig­sten Infor­ma­tio­nen an die es über diese Blut­lin­ien zu bericht­en gibt, den­noch übernehmen wir keine Garantie über die Voll­ständigkeit unser­er Angaben.


In Like Flinn (by Topsail Whiz)

For now Pro­duc­ing Record of over 

2016 AQHA World­cham­pi­on Sr Rein­ing
2016 NRBC Der­by Open Pre­lims Co-Cham­pi­on
2016 NRHA Open Der­by Final­ist, 4th
2016 NRBC Open Der­by Final­ist, 3rd
2016 Supe­ri­or Rein­ing Horse
2015 AQHA World­cham­pi­on Jr Rein­ing
2015 NRHA Open Der­by Final­ist, Top 5
2014 NRBC Open Der­by Final­ist
2013 NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty, 4th
2013 Her­itage Open Rein­ing Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on
AQHA 62,5 points

NRHA Hall of Fame
NRHA $12Million Dol­lar Sire
Sire of Four Mil­lion Dol­lar Sires
Sire of-
The Great Whiz:
2003 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open Cham­pi­on
2004 NRBC Open Res. Cham­pi­on
2004 NRHA Der­by Open final­ist
2005 NRHA Der­by Open final­ist
2006 NRBC Open final­ist
Easy Otie Whiz:
2002 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open final­ist
2003 NRBC Open final­ist
2003 NRHA Der­by Open final­ist
2004 NRHA Der­by Non Pro final­ist
2004 NRHA Int Non Pro Cham­pi­on
2005 NRBC Open final­ist
2005 Inter­me­di­ate Open Cham­pi­on
2006 FEI World Eques­tri­an Games Team USA Gold Medal­ist
Whizkey N Dia­monds:
2009 High Roller Rein­ing Clas­sic Futu­ri­ty Open Cham­pi­on
2009 All Amer­i­can Quar­ter Horse Con­gress Futu­ri­ty Open Res Cham­pi­on
2009 NRHA Futu­ri­ty L4 Open final­ist
2011 NRBC Open final­ist
2011 NRHA Der­by Open Res Cham­pi­on
2011 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Show $100,000-added World Cham­pi­on Shootout Res Cham­pi­on
2012 AQHA World Cham­pi­on Sr Rein­ing
Smok­ing Whiz:
2010 High Roller Rein­ing Clas­sic Futu­ri­ty L4, L3, L2 Open Cham­pi­on
2010 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open final­ist
2012 NRBC Open final­ist,
NRHA Der­by Open final­ist,
2013 NRBC L4 final­ist
2013 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Show $75,000-added World Cham­pi­on Shootout Res Co-Cham­pi­on
Wal­la Wal­la Whiz:
2006 All Amer­i­can Quar­ter Horse Con­gress Futu­ri­ty Open final­ist
2006 NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open final­ist
2007 NRBC Open final­ist
2007 NRHA Der­by Open Cham­pi­on
2008 NRBC Open final­ist
and a lot more…..

NRHA Hall of Fame

1980 NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Champion

1981 AQHA World­cham­pi­on Jr Reining

Pro­duc­ing Record of over $1 Mil­lion Dollar

*1952 — 1989

AQHA Hall of Fame

NRHA Hall of Fame

Sire of:

NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Champions

AQHA World­cham­pi­ons

AQHA Supe­ri­or and ROM Award Earners

His off­spring earned mon­ey in the NRHA, Nation­al Reined Cow Horse Asso­ci­a­tion (NRCHA) and Nation­al Cut­ting Horse Asso­ci­a­tion (NCHA).

Leg­endary rein­ing train­er Bob Loomis, showed two Joe Cody foals to NRHA Futu­ri­ty Open cham­pi­onships – Cas­san­dra Cody in 1979 and Top­sail Cody in 1980.

NRHA Hall of Famer and Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Top­sail Cody, went on to build his own out­stand­ing breed­ing rep­u­ta­tion. Top­sail Cody’s son,Hall of Famer Top­sail Whiz, upheld his sire and grandsire’s out­stand­ing breed­ing rep­u­ta­tions, sir­ing off­spring who have won more than $12 mil­lion in the rein­ing pen.


1Dam: Stylish Guns (by Colonels Smoking Gun)


  • Lifetime-Earnings of $3,700+

  • RMRHA Summer Slide Futurity Finalist

  • Columbine Classic Level 4 Open Derby Champion

Some Info about 2Dam BH Top Gun (by Hall of Famer Be Aech Enterprise):

  • Producing Record of almost $100,000

Dam of-

a) Gun­nin For Dia­monds (by Like A Diamond):

  • NRHA Life­time-Earn­ings of over $66,000
  • 2006 Equi-Stat 2nd high­est mon­ey earn­ing Lim­it­ed Open

b) Shes Got Big Guns (by Colonels Smok­ing Gun):

  • NRHA Life­time-Earn­ings of over $34,000
  • NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty Int Open Res Champion
  • NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty Open Finalist
  • Roles­ki 4 Spins 4yo Open Futu­ri­ty Res Champion

Some Info about 3Dam Trash­fire (by Sonofatrash):

Rein­ing­horse Cham­pi­on, over 100 AQHA Rein­ing-Points, 2006 APHA Res World­cham­pi­on, 2005 APHA Supe­ri­or Rein­ing Horse, and a lot more…

  • (Lte.$177,670)
  • NRHA Hall of Fame
  • NRHA Open Futu­ri­ty Res Champion
  • USET Rein­ing Finals Champion
  • APHA World Cham­pi­on Jr Reining
  • NRBC Open Der­by Champion
  • APHA World Cham­pi­onship Reinig Futu­ri­ty Champion
  • NRHA Der­by USET Semi-Finals Cham­pi­on 2 Time
  • NRHA Open Der­by Finalist
  • NRHA Sil­ver Award
  • APHA 58 Points
  • APHA Supe­ri­or Reining
  • 2011 Equi-Stat, #1 Top Rein­ing Sire
  • Pro­duc­ing Record
  • NRHA $15 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire

Sire of-
a) Tin­ker With Guns (Lte.$336,900+)
b) Gun­ners Tin­sel­town (Lte.$303.000)
c) Gun­na­trashya (Lte.$233,757)
d) Gun­ners Spe­cial Nite ($223,195)
e) The Great Gun­ti­ni ($144,218)
f) Amer­i­c­as­next­gun­mod­el ($183,259)

  • Face­book


Read more about Joe Cody:

*1952 — 1989

AQHA Hall of Fame

NRHA Hall of Fame

Sire of:

NRHA Open Futurity Champions

AQHA Worldchampions

AQHA Superior and ROM Award Earners

His offspring earned money in the NRHA, National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA) and National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA).

Legendary reining trainer Bob Loomis, showed two Joe Cody foals to NRHA Futurity Open Championships – Cassandra Cody in 1979 and Topsail Cody in 1980.

NRHA Hall of Famer and Million Dollar Sire Topsail Cody, went on to build his own outstanding breeding reputation. Topsail Cody’s son, Hall of Famer Topsail Whiz, upheld his sire and grandsire’s outstanding breeding reputations, siring offspring who have won more than $12 million in the reining pen.

Super­horse aktu­al­isiert und ergänzt regelmäßig die Infor­ma­tio­nen der Besitzer zu den ange­bote­nen Pfer­den. Diese wur­den sorgfältig recher­chiert und gewis­senhaft zusam­menge­fasst. Trotz­dem kön­nen sich die Dat­en zwis­chen­zeitlich verän­dert haben. Deshalb kann eine Haf­tung oder Garantie für die Aktu­al­ität, Richtigkeit und Voll­ständigkeit der zur Ver­fü­gung gestell­ten Infor­ma­tio­nen — ins­beson­dere fremder Infor­ma­tio­nen — nicht über­nom­men wer­den. Poten­tielle Käufer soll­ten die Richtigkeit der hier präsen­tierten Infor­ma­tio­nen über­prüfen, ins­beson­dere wenn sie als Grund­lage für Geschäfte dienen. Siehe auch AGB Fir­ma Super­horse / Impressum.

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