Con­grat­u­la­tions to the new own­er from Germany!

  • Face­book

2020 AQHA Stal­lion Now You Cee Me befind­et sich zur Zeit im Train­ing bei $1Million Dol­lar Reit­er Gen­naro Len­di und wird erst in eini­gen Monat­en seine Reise nach Deutsch­land antreten.

2Dam Hick­o­rys Hol­ly Cee: EARNER of $161,422 — Dam of the EARNERS of $538,635

a) SSP NRHA of Ger­many paid In

b) IRHA Breed­ers Pro­gram paid In

c) NRHA Bel­gium Futu­ri­ty paid In

d) NRHA Euro­pean Futu­ri­ty nominated

2020 AQHA Stal­lion Now You Cee Me, sired by AQHA World­cham­pi­on Jr Rein­ing- AQHA World­cham­pi­on Sr Rein­ing- Her­itage Open Rein­ing Futu­ri­ty Cham­pi­on- NRBC Open Der­by Pre­lims Co-Cham­pi­on- and mul­ti­ple NRHA & NRBC Open Der­by Final­ist In Like Flinn (by Hall of Famer- and $12 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Top­sail Whiz)  x  ARC Cee N Sparks > NRCHA Open Futu­ri­ty Final­ist (Lte.$19.869), she is sired by Hall of Famer- World­cham­pi­on- and $10,2 Mil­lion Dol­lar Sire Shin­ing Spark.

Click 2 Year Olds for more Info

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